Gmail has helped tech lovers since along time now. But Gmail users often search for queries like how to change language in Gmail app and sometimes how do you change the language back to english, this tutorial deals with similar problems. Gmail allows you to change your language without changing to a different browser or losing your account. You can change your default language from the drop-down menu (or the menu on the top right of the screen, if you use Gmail with a G-Suite account), or by calling out your language in the body of your mail.

Note that Google has changed the rules for the language setting button on the top-right. Instead of changing the text of the email, it now changes the email signature. This is an easy to understand Gmail tutorial for probelms such as how do I change my Gmail back to english and why is my Gmail in another language, explaining all the steps involved.
How to change language on gmail on computer
Find a to-the-point guide with clear instructions addressing the specific problem about - how to change language on Gmail on computer Keep reading the section below to solve the problem stepwise.
1. At the top of your Gmail window, you’ll see the option to quickly change the language of your email, phone and browser. 2. Click the dropdown menu to quickly select your language. 3. Click the small gear icon on the top right to quickly change your Gmail language. 4. If you’re not sure what your default language is, just click the dropdown menu to change it.
how to change google account language
Google offers a variety of account settings, including language settings. This guide will show you how to change your Google account language. First, open the Google Account Settings page. You can find this page by clicking on the three lines in the upper right corner of the Google search bar, or by going to On the Settings page, click on the "Accounts" link in the left column. Locate the "Language" setting in the "Account settings" section. You can change the language by clicking on the drop-down menu next to the "Language" field and selecting the language you want to use from the list. If you want to switch to a different language but don't know which one to choose, we recommend consulting a bilingual friend or using a online translator.
how to change language in gmail on iphone
If you want to change the language in your Gmail on your iPhone, there are a few ways to do it. You can go to Settings > General > Language & Region > Language, and then select the language you want to use. You can also go to Settings > Email, Contacts, Calendars, and select the language you want to use.
Frequently Asked Questions...
How do you change the language back to English?
There is no way to change the language back to English on the Samsung Galaxy S5.
Why is my Gmail not in English?
Your Gmail is not in English because your computer is not set up to use English as the default language. To change the default language on your computer, click the "language" icon at the top of the screen, and then select "English (United States)."
Why is my Google Account in a different language?
Google Accounts are translated into different languages to provide a global experience.
Why am I getting emails in a different language?
If you are getting emails in a different language, it is possible that the email server is configured to send emails in a different language. Additionally, it is possible that the email account is configured to send emails in a different language.
How do I change the language back to English on Google Chrome?
To change the language back to English on Google Chrome: 1. On the Chrome menu bar, click the "Options" button. 2. Under the "Language" heading, click the "Change Language" button. 3. Select "English (United States)". 4. Click the "OK" button.
Why is my email in Chinese?
The email may be in Chinese because it was sent from a Chinese IP address.
How do I stop getting foreign language emails?
There is no universal answer to this question, as the best way to stop getting foreign language emails depends on the email service and the content of the emails. However, some methods that may help stop receiving foreign language emails include turning off notifications for new emails, unsubscribing from newsletters and mailing lists, and setting up filters to automatically delete emails that are in a foreign language.
How do I turn off foreign language in Gmail?
You can turn off foreign language in Gmail by going to your account settings, clicking on the "Accounts and messages" tab, and under the "Language" heading, selecting the "Off" switch for the language you want to disable.
How do I stop emails from coming to America?
There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best way to stop emails from coming to America will vary depending on the email service that you are using. However, some tips that may help to stop emails from coming to America include using a spam filter, setting up filters on your email account, and using a foreign email address to sign up for email services.
How do I block international emails on Gmail?
To block international emails on Gmail, open the Gmail inbox and click on the three lines in the top left corner of the screen. Next, select Settings and click on the Email tab. Under the "Blocked senders" section, click on the "Add a sender" button and type "" into the "From" field. Click on the "Add a sender" button and type "" into the "To" field. Click on the "Block this sender" button.
How do I delete a suspicious email without opening it?
There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best way to delete a suspicious email depends on the email's content and the email account's settings. However, some tips for deleting suspicious emails without opening them include using email filters or deleting suspicious emails from the email account's inbox.
Conclusion :
Gmail users are quite often troubled by problems like how do I turn off foreign language in Gmail and sometimes how to change Google account language. Hope that this tut was helpful to such readers. The best way to change the language on gmail is to change your Gmail account language to another. For example, if you have your Gmail account set to English, and your phone (and default browser) set to Spanish, you’ll notice that your gmail account (and default phone and browser) will automatically be set to Spanish when you go to phone or browser. You can also set your phone, browser and Gmail to a different language, but that would require you to change the language settings on each individually. You can also just change the language of your GOAL app to English.